Practice Areas and Experience:

Philip combines his two decades of litigation experience with his intimate knowledge of the political and regulatory landscape to create winning strategies for clients dealing with the public realm. From the courtroom to the Capitol, Philip effectively advances clients’ interests.

As a Dallas City Council representative, Philip pioneered a re-entry program for ex-offenders, advocated for LGBT constituents and implemented a living wage for city contractors. He also continued his legal advocacy, charting litigation and governmental strategies for defeating the Trinity Toll Road and demanding a competitive request for proposal process for Fair Park’s management, saving taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.

After two decades of public service and courtroom advocacy, Philip brings his robust expertise in lobbying, real estate, municipal law and procurement, employment law and commercial litigation to Sheils Winnubst PC.

Texas Rising Star (5 times)
Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program’s Outstanding Clinic Attorney of the Year Award Recipient (3 times)
Best Mayor, 2015, Dallas Observer (Philip was never the mayor)
Urban Design Dream Award, 2018, Greater Dallas Planning Council

Licenses and Admissions:
All Texas State Courts.
United States District Court for the Northern, Eastern and Southern Districts of Texas.
Bureau of Immigration Appeals

Baylor Law School, JD, 1999
Trinity University, BA Economics, 1994